CoD Modern Warfare

Unlock the Rytec AMR Sniper Rifle Fastest Method – Call of Duty Modern Warfare
Yo what is going on guys, I’ve got another fast method video this time on unlocking the Rytec AMR sniper rifle in Call of Duty Modern Warfare. The Rytec AMR is based off the Barrett 50 cal and shoots very similar to the AX50, except it has access to explosive and thermite rounds which deal massive destruction to vehicles.

OP .357 Modern Warfare Build
There is no doubt in my mind that this gun will get nerfed into the ground. It is crazy OP when you run it Akimbo, […]

Best SKS Modern Warfare Warzone Marksman Build for Sniping
The SKS is a Modern Warfare Marksman rifle that’s unlocked at tier level 31 in the Battle Pass. It’s very similar to the EBR-14, except […]