I have been focusing more and more on improving my PvP skills as I have pretty much completed all the PvE content ten fold. I frequent the CruciblePlaybook on Reddit and one of the users there put up a Crucible Bootcamp challenge… so I figured I would give it a shot and do a video with live commentary on how it went.
It was extremely fun and I recommend trying it out, you will definitely learn a few things without a doubt.
Here are a few things I learned
- It is a lot harder for people to hit you if you are always on the ground, going airborne is sometimes like waving a white flag in the air, whilst saying “Shoot Me!”
- I really learned how to focus on using my radar, with it I was able most of the time to predict where an enemy would pop out.
- You learn to really rely on your grenades and supers and only use them when absolutely necessary.
Those are just a few of the things I learned.. I’m definitely looking forward to Day 2 Challenge, check out the post on Reddit and try it for yourself.
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