I thought it would be helpful to create a resource page that you can always come to for all of your Destiny gaming needs. I’ll add to it as I learn more and I recommend bookmarking it for your reference and convenience. Enjoy!
News and Info Sites
Bungie.net – The Creator of Destiny, loved and hated by many. Sign up and login to keep track of your progress and keep up to date on news and patches. They also have an official app with Vault Management.
r/DestinyTheGame – Great Reddit group where you can ask questions and find pretty much everything there is to know about Destiny. I use this and highly recommend it.
PlanetDestiny – News, reviews, guides, forums, etc… pretty much everything pertaining to the game. Bookmark their guide to the Exotic Bounties, I’ve been playing for over a year and I still have to refresh my memory.
Destiny DB – One of my favorite sites for looking up Weapon and Item perks, they also can show you possible perk rolls, very very helpful.
Destiny Status – Simple and clean, look up character stats, progression, KD, completions, and more via Xbox or PSN Gamertag.
Destiny Tracker – Basically a Leaderboard for players, see how you stack up against other players.
Destiny Public Events Timer – Find out when and on what planet that event will be going down. It is the mostly accurate. They also have a App for iPhone and Android.
Guardian.GG – guardian.gg (GGG/g.gg) is dedicated to the stats and data of Destiny. Watch the rise & fall of your favorite weapons. Witness the ripple effect of Bungie’s patches.
Useful Apps
Official Bungie Destiny App – Android – iPhone
Destiny Trials Report – Just type in one players gamertag and it will quickly show you the entire teams Loadout, KD, Win Loss ratio, and more!
Destiny Item Manager – It gives you a full page view of all of your items. It gives you simple drag and drop functionality to move items from character to character. It gives you set loadouts. I use this and highly recommend it. It is Open Source and they are working on apps for firefox/safari/ios/android/windows.
BlackSmith – Check possible rolls for your Equipped Weapons. – Android
Little Light – Manage inventory, see stats, create loadouts, and check weekly progress. – Android
Public Events – Find out when and where events are happening. – Android – iPhone
Tower+ – Never miss a vendor selling an item you want again. – Android
LFG (Looking for Group, find other players to do activities with.)
The100.io – The 100 concept is simple: select when you play, your timezone, your age, whether you’re serious or casual, and we’ll automatically group you with 100 other like minded players. I use this site and prefer it to all the other LFG sites, it takes a bit to setup your profile and pick a group but I’ve had much better luck finding cool people to play with.
DestinyLFG.net – The original Destiny Looking for Group site; find players and get the fireteam you want now!
DestinyLFG.com – Bungie featured, Looking for Group site to find a group fast for on-the-fly raids, weeklies and more.
r/Fireteams – Reddit fireteams, I have not used this yet, but it comes highly recommended by Redditors.
r/DestinySherpa – Awesome dudes who will walk you through completing your first Raid, Nightfall, Skolas, or Trials Run… for FREE! Just be cool and not a nerd.
Online Game Streams
Destiny @ Twitch.tv – I’ve learned so many tips and tactics for PVP and PVE from the pros on there, most of the streamers are helpful and friendly.
Thanks for Reading! If you have any sites you think should be added, please leave it in the comments below and I will add it.
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